New Hampshire Band Directors Association
NHBDA's Executive Board
Jim Robins, Hampstead Middle School
President Elect
Kurt Schweiss
Immediate Past President
Susan Hahs, Keene Middle School
Higher Education
John Hart, Keene State College
Executive Secretary and Past President
Michael Adams, Pinkerton Academy
Recording Secretary
Vincent Duval, Pennichuck MS
Membership Chair
Dominick Defransisco
South Central District Representative
Timothy Russell, Memorial HS
Northern District Representative
AJ Coppola, Campton Elementary School
Southwest District Representative
Matthew Davis, Bow Memorial School
Southeast District Representative
Nicole Bartlett, Timberlane Regional School District
NEBDI Coordinator
John Hart, Keene State College
All State Chamber Festival Coordinators
Michael Adams
Sean Meagher
Middle Level Honors Festival Chairs
Elisa Saunders
NHBDA Jazz Clinic Chair, Festival Coordinator
James Boccia
Webmaster and Photographer
Sean Meagher, Gilford MS